Found 6 collections related to Angelou, Maya

Filtering on: x2001 - 2025
Guy, Rosa
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 903
13.17 linear feet (35 boxes)
The Rosa Guy papers contain material related to her personal life, her writing, and her professional career. The personal matter includes correspondence and biographical information. The material in the writing series includes drafts, notes, and... more
Angelou, Maya
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 830
200.83 linear feet (408 boxes)
Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was one of the most renowned and celebrated voices in American literature. The Maya Angelou papers consist of original manuscripts, computer generated typescripts, galleys, and proofs of published work as well as... more
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 668
6.04 linear feet (16 boxes)
This collection consists of various screenplays, television scripts, and radio scripts of different provenances; many of these scripts were transferred from the African Americans in film collection (Sc MG 690). Additionally, many of the scripts... more
Feelings, Tom
Photographs and Prints Division. Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture | Sc Photo Tom Feelings Collection
2.33 linear feet (6 boxes)
Tom Feelings (1933-2003) was an American children's book illustrator and author, cartoonist, teacher, and activist who sought to educate people of color through his artwork, books, and lectures. The Tom Feelings photographs largely chronicle... more
Angelou, Maya
Photographs and Prints Division. Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture | SCP 186210
3.0 linear feet (10 boxes). 10.4 megabytes (5 computer files)
The Maya Angelou photographs, dating from the 1920s to 2009, document the life and legacy of Maya Angelou (1928-2014), poet, memoirist, novelist, educator, dramatist, producer, actress, dancer, historian, filmmaker, and civil rights activist. The... more
Feelings, Tom
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 875
19.11 linear feet (42 boxes, 3 oversize folders)
Tom Feelings was an internationally known artist, children's book illustrator, educator, and activist. The Tom Feelings papers consist mostly of materials related to his art and writing, both published and unpublished.