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x1951 - 2000
Found 5 collections related to Television -- Stage-setting and scenery
Filtering on: x1951 - 2000
Miner, Worthington, 1900-1982
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1993-034
Worthington Miner was the director and producer of the Studio One television program from 1948 to 1952. The Studio One production files consist of working scripts, shooting scripts, notes,...
Leve, Sam
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2012-097
6 linear feet (11 boxes, 13 oversized folders, 5 tubes)
Samuel Leve (1910-1999) was a New York-based scenic designer. The Samuel Leve design files date from the 1930s to 1994 and contain designs, photographs and slides, scenic and rigging plots, course materials, correspondence, clippings, programs,...
Konopka, Joseph, 1932-
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2004-010
3.57 linear feet (9 boxes)
Joseph Konopka was a scenic artist for the NBC-TV show Late Night with Conan O'Brien between 1993 and 2009. These notebooks document his design contributions to the show, and contain sketches, diagrams, photographs, notes, construction directions,...
Fox, Frederick B.
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 1990-027
2.6 linear feet (7 boxes)
Frederick Fox (1910-1991) was a scenic designer for theater, opera, and television. The Frederick Fox design files date from 1880 to 1959 and consist of designs, scale drawings, paint elevations, blueprints, photographs, and slides that document...
Edwards, Ben, 1916-1999
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2015-022
26.52 linear feet (47 boxes, 3 volumes, 33 oversized folders, 20 tubes)
Ben Edwards (1916-1999) was an American scenic designer and art director, and occasional lighting designer, costume designer, and producer, working in theatre, industrial shows, film, and television. The Ben Edwards designs and papers (1884-1999,...
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