The letters of Jeanne Foster to Richard Londraville, 1966-1970, were written while Londraville was preparing his Ph.D. dissertation on William Butler Yeats. Foster's letters give clear evidence of her fondness for him and her efforts to assist...
The letters of Jeanne Foster to Richard Londraville, 1966-1970, were written while Londraville was preparing his Ph.D. dissertation on William Butler Yeats. Foster's letters give clear evidence of her fondness for him and her efforts to assist him in his research, both with manuscripts in her possession and her own recollections. The letters include discussions of William Butler Yeats, his father John Butler Yeats, arts patron John Quinn, and other prominent artists and writers. Foster writes repeatedly of W.B. Yeats's and her own interest in the occult and Eastern religious teachings, of her assistance to and visits from biographers William M. Murphy, Ben L. Reid, and Michael Holroyd, and provides details of her own life. Included with the letters are typescript poems written to Londraville and others, a few letters she received, and three enclosures dated 1912, 1920, and 1923 describing her second trip to Ireland, her time in Paris with Gwen John, and her visit to Assisi with John Quinn, respectively.