William Jovanovich was an American publisher and president of Harcourt Brace. Aelred Graham (1907-1984) was a British author and Benedictine monk, known for his book Zen Catholicism (1963). The William Jovanovich files on Aelred Graham consist of...
William Jovanovich was an American publisher and president of Harcourt Brace. Aelred Graham (1907-1984) was a British author and Benedictine monk, known for his book Zen Catholicism (1963). The William Jovanovich files on Aelred Graham consist of correspondence regarding the publication of Graham's book,
The End of Religion (1971), and a complete manuscript of Graham's 1968 book,
Conversations: Christian and Buddhist. Correspondence dates from 1969 to 1971 and consists mainly of letters between Graham and Jovanovich. Correspondence also includes Jovanovich's memoranda to other Harcourt Brace staff, a short note from Marshall McLuhan, and correspondence with Pierre Collins of the publishing company William Collins, Sons & Co.
Conversations: Christian and Buddhist contains interviews that Graham conducted in Japan with religious thinkers and scholars, including Masao Abe, Yamada Mumon, Shojun Bando, and Gary Snyder. The manuscript has extensive handwritten corrections and changes throughout.