Found 22 collections related to Printed ephemera

New York City Gay Men's Chorus
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 24234
.84 linear feet (2 boxes, 1 oversized folder)
The New York City Gay Men's Chorus was founded in 1979, merging with the Big Apple Gay Men's Chorus in 1980. The chorus sings in a variety of styles, and has presented a holiday concert series each year since its inception. They have produced... more
Riding, Laura, 1901-1991
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Jackson 1924-1984
(77 manuscript boxes)
Organized into 11 series: Series 1: Works by Laura Riding Jackson; Series 2: Correspondence; Series 3: Diaries; Series 4: Book reviews of Laura Riding Jackson’s works; Series 5: Criticism of Laura Riding Jackson’s works; Series 6: Photographs;... more
Mountford, Harry
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2012-037
4.23 linear feet (9 boxes)
The Harry Mountford and Lottie Briscoe papers (1871-1950) document the careers and personal lives of performer, writer, and labor rights advocate Harry Mountford and his wife Lottie Briscoe, an early film and stage actress. The bulk of the... more
Dempsey, Mark, 1936-1994
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18790
1 box, 1 oversize folder
Mark Dempsey (born Herbert Lee Dempsey) was a stage, film, and television actor. His papers consist of photographs (chiefly head shots and production stills), programs, clippings of reviews, resumes, autobiographical statements, and memorabilia.... more
Mitchell, Joseph, 1908-1996
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 23209
56.58 linear feet (127 boxes, 4 volumes, 2 oversized folders); 419.23 mb (504 computer files)
The Joseph Mitchell papers (1838-2011) primarily relate to Mitchell's career as a journalist and New Yorker writer and his proclivity to document life in New York City. The collection is comprised of correspondence,... more
Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History, Local History and Genealogy | AZ 13-3610
11 linear feet (26 boxes)
Leary, Timothy, 1920-1996
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18400
265.67 linear feet (610 boxes, 11 oversized folders, 22 tubes, 4043 computer files, 56 disk images); 1.78 Gigabytes (4043 computer files, 56 disk images)
Timothy Francis Leary, Jr. (1920-1996), a psychologist and writer, became known as an advocate for the use of psychedelic drugs and a counterculture icon. The Timothy Leary papers contain records created and accumulated by Leary over his entire... more
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
Music Division | JPB 12-12
32.84 linear feet (79 boxes)
The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) is an organization of more than 420,000 artists that protects the copyrights of its members. The ASCAP records represent a portion of the artists who joined the society from the... more
Koch, Kenneth, 1925-2002
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll Koch MSS 1932-2007
85 linear feet (206 manuscript boxes)
Jay, Karla
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1554
27.68 linear feet (59 boxes, 1 tube); 82 audio files, 49 cassettes
Karla Jay is a lesbian feminist activist, author, and former professor of English at Pace University (New York). The collection contains correspondence, typescripts, and other items chiefly documenting Jay's work as a professor of English and as... more
Hayes, Helen, 1900-1993
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1990-026
29 linear feet (42 boxes)
The Helen Hayes papers span the years 1817–1963 and consist of correspondence, the majority from friends and colleagues; speeches and writings, including drafts and handwritten index cards of speeches; clippings from her earliest days in theater... more
Johnson, Alfred Newell, 1915-1989
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 503
33.27 linear feet (78 boxes, 1 volume)
Alfred Newell Johnson (1915-1989) was an entrepreneur whose work varied from electrical engineering, journalism, photography, public relations and publicity, to political campaign management. The A. Newell Johnson papers date from the 1920s to the... more
Koch, Kenneth, 1925-2002
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Koch [Text]
112.98 linear feet (269 boxes)
Kenneth Koch was an American poet, playwright, essayist, screenwriter, novelist, and short-story writer. The Kenneth Koch papers document the personal and professional activities of the writer, Kenneth Koch. Holograph and typescript drafts... more
Proulx, Annie
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll Proulx MSS 1935-2010
178 linear feet (356 manuscript boxes), 3715 megabytes (2478 computer files)
Annie Proulx is a novelist, short fiction writer, historian, and essayist. She was born in Norwich, Connecticut, in 1935, to Lois Nellie Gill Proulx, a painter and amateur naturalist, and George N. Proulx, the vice-president of a textile mill. Her... more
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1997-051
.2 linear feet (1 box)
The Albert Lawrence papers contain clippings, programs, newsletters, photocopies of motion picture “dope sheets,” and ephemera documenting the career of actor Albert Lawrence.
Leary, Rosemary Woodruff
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 23932
11.15 linear feet (24 boxes, 1 volume); 11.75 mb (48 computer files)
Rosemary Woodruff Leary (1935-2002), (also known as "Ro" and Sarah Woodruff), sought to educate people about the psychedelic experience. Woodruff lived for over twenty years as a fugitive for her role in assisting her husband, Dr. Timothy Leary,... more
Horowitz, Michael, 1938-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 23962
9.28 linear feet (24 boxes)
Michael Horowitz (1938- ), an archivist, author, and publisher, was Timothy Leary's archivist and safeguarded Leary's papers following his 1970 escape from prison. The Michael Horowitz collection on Timothy Leary reveals Horowitz's role as... more
Sterling, Philip, 1907-1989
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1991-026
0.84 linear feet (3 boxes)
The Philip Sterling Research Materials on Bert Williams primarily contain clippings, correspondence, notes, and other research materials compiled by Philip Sterling, a writer and public relations executive for CBS, mainly between the years,... more
New York Public Library
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2011-31
2.7 linear feet (16 volumes and 5 oversized folders)
The Magic scrapbooks collection contains a significant amount of articles, clippings, correspondence, ephemera, photographs and posters pertaining to magicians, mentalists, conjurers and escape artists from the 19th- and early 20th-centuries,... more
Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso, 1874-1938
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 952
0.83 linear feet (3 boxes)
Arthur (originally Arturo) Alfonso Schomburg was a collector of books and manuscripts pertaining to black history and culture, whose collection formed the basis for the Schomburg Center for Black Culture. This collection consists primarily of... more
Simms, Hilda, 1918-1994
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 539
27.86 linear feet (59 boxes, 4 volumes)
Hilda Simms (1920-1994) was an actress best known for playing the title role in the American Negro Theater production of Anna Lucasta that moved successfully to Broadway in 1944. Her acting career also included film,... more
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2016-010
1.25 linear feet (2 boxes, 3 oversize folders, and one framed item)
Collection includes correspondence, ephemera, programs, police certificates, photographs, posters, and clippings related to the life and legacy of magician and escape artist Harry Houdini (1874-1926).
Indicates that portions of this collection have been
digitized and are available online.