Found 2 collections related to Kinkeldey, Otto, 1878-1966

Reese, Gustave, 1899-1977
Music Division | JPB 92-71
42 linear ft. : 102 boxes
An American musicologist, teacher, and editor, Gustave Reese is best known as the author of Music in the Middle Ages (1940) and Music in the Renaissance (1954; rev 1959). Reese divided his time between publishing and academia. He was director of... more
Kinkeldey, Otto, 1878-1966
Music Division | JPB 86-16
24 linear feet (20 boxes)
The Otto Kinkeldey Papers include Kinkeldey's academic writings, research and teaching notes, and correspondence between the years 1908-1962. Many of the teaching notes come from his time as Professor and Librarian at Cornell University and as... more