Found 2 collections related to Norwich (Conn.) -- History -- 18th century
Chelsea Fire Club
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 638
.2 linear feet (1 volume)
The Chelsea Fire Club of Norwich, Connecticut was a voluntary association instituted on December 11, 1788 to protect the waterfront district of Chelsea, or Norwich Landing, from fire. The Club's first elected officers were Ebenezer Whiting,...
Holden, Phineas
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1418
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Pocket almanac containing manuscript notes of P[hineas?] Holden of Norwich, Connecticut and another individual, possibly his son. The memoranda relate to personal, family and business accounts, local events, and other topics, and are dated...
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digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.