Sir Francis Cowley Burnand (1836-1917) was a playwright, humorist, and editor of Punch from 1880 to 1906. The F.C. Burnand letters and memoranda (1873-1907) were written to Punch staff and other colleagues and associates. Subjects include the...
Sir Francis Cowley Burnand (1836-1917) was a playwright, humorist, and editor of Punch from 1880 to 1906. The F.C. Burnand letters and memoranda (1873-1907) were written to Punch staff and other colleagues and associates. Subjects include the illustrations and writings to be included in Punch and the reception of Burnand's humorous plays, including Pickwick (1889) and Private Inquiry (1891). Most of the letters are brief. Correspondents include Arthur Cecil Blunt, H. Savile Clarke, W. Beatty-Kingston, E.J. Milliken, James Payn, and W. Moy Thomas. In his letters to Thomas, Burnand discusses his ideas about burlesque theater and a potentially libelous review of Pickwick that was printed in the Society Herald. Some of the letters include Burnand's sketches and verses. Previously assigned call number 8-MWEZ 20225.