Born in Barbados, Errold Collymore immigrated to the United States in 1912 and graduated from Howard University's dental school eleven years later. His subsequent struggle to rent an office in White Plains, New York, compelled him into a life of...
Born in Barbados, Errold Collymore immigrated to the United States in 1912 and graduated from Howard University's dental school eleven years later. His subsequent struggle to rent an office in White Plains, New York, compelled him into a life of civil rights activism which saw him organize a local NAACP chapter and become chairman of Westchester County's United Colored Republican Clubs. He was also involved with the YMCA and served on a number of committees concerned with housing equality and standards for Westchester County's black residents. Focusing on equality in the religious realm as well, Collymore and his family integrated the American Unitarian Association's White Plains Community Church when they joined its congregation in 1927. Correspondence, reports, speeches, minutes, notes, clippings, and other material document Collymore's activities at the vanguard of civil rights in Westchester County, New York. There are files for all of the major organizations with which Collymore was associated and held office, including the NAACP (White Plains Branch) and the nation-wide anti-lynching campaign; the Colored Republicans Committee with information on Black Republican activities and politics in Westchester County; the YMCA-White Plains; and American Unitarian Association (which he and his family integrated in 1927 when they joined the White Plains congregation). Correspondence and miscellaneous documents provide a glimpse into his personal and professional lives.