Joseph Severn, English painter. · To Charles Armitage Brown, writer : 6 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 19 Sep 1821 : (S'ANA 0058) : 4 pages (double sheet made folio size by pasting two sheets together) : from Rome : begins, "I have got...
Joseph Severn, English painter. · To Charles Armitage Brown, writer : 6 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 19 Sep 1821 : (S'ANA 0058) : 4 pages (double sheet made folio size by pasting two sheets together) : from Rome : begins, "I have got both your letters - the last 21 Aug.t came 19th instant ..."; including, "Why my dear Brown, what sad affair is this? I know not what to say in it - except this - that you are the only one to write Keats's memoir ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 26 Oct 1822 : (S'ANA 0059) : 4 pages (double sheet) : from Rome : begins, "Owing to my journey - and other unsettling [Bores?] - I have only just got your letter ..."; including, "I am just about putting up the grave stone to our Keats ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 21 Jan 1823 : (S'ANA 0060) : 4 pages (double sheet) : from Rome : begins, "I have just returned from the funeral of poor Shelley ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 27 Sep 1824 : (S'ANA 0061) : 3 ¹/₃ pages (double sheet) : from Lavinia : begins, "West is a hollow 'impfiddle' with never a string to his bow ..."; crosswritten on page 1. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 13 Jul 1836 : (S'ANA 0062) : 4 pages (double sheet) : from Rome : begins, "'Tis plain that the further we get apart, the nearer we draw together ..."; crosswritten on page 1. -- 1 autograph letter [signed] : 21 Aug 1838 : (S'ANA 0061) : 3 ¹/₄ pages (double sheet) : from 19 Brook St. : begins, "Such a lot of things, but above all the love of 'filthy luck' for I am beginning my 5th peiture here - have prevented me writing to you as I wanted ..."; signature cut away, causing near-complete loss of postscript on p. 4.