The Fergusons were an English family that settled in New York City beginning around 1802. The patriarch, Samuel Ferguson, was a prosperous merchant who established familial and commercial relationships with other wealthy and socially prominent New...
The Fergusons were an English family that settled in New York City beginning around 1802. The patriarch, Samuel Ferguson, was a prosperous merchant who established familial and commercial relationships with other wealthy and socially prominent New York families, including the Walton, Morewood, Day, Ogden, Lyde, and Fisher families. The Ferguson family papers, 1727-1943, consist of 18th and 19th century correspondence, business records, financial and legal documents, diaries, and family miscellany of the Ferguson and allied families. Genealogical notes, charts, and clippings dating from the early- to mid-20th century reflect the research of Samuel Ferguson's great-granddaughter, Helen Ferguson on the family's history.