Letters and orders from Major General William Heath of the Continental Army written between 1777 and 1782 and pertaining to his official duties. Includes the dishonorable discharge of a soldier in 1777, letters outlining the terms of parole given...
Letters and orders from Major General William Heath of the Continental Army written between 1777 and 1782 and pertaining to his official duties. Includes the dishonorable discharge of a soldier in 1777, letters outlining the terms of parole given to General Burgoyne and his troops after their surrender, and regarding the "abusive behavior of [Burgoyne's] British Soldiers towards the Guards and Sentries;" passports for victuallers carrying goods from Newport to Boston; letters regarding the construction of the Great Chain across the Hudson River in 1781; and other documents discussing the movement of British troops and the activities of the Highland Department of the Continental Army in 1781 and 1782