Found 5 collections related to American Bar Association

Waldman, Louis, b. 1892
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3202
34 linear feet (34 boxes); 7 microfilm reels
Louis Waldman (1892-1982), a prominent labor lawyer of New York City, was born in the Ukraine. Following his emigration to America in 1909 he became a garment cutter, attended evening school and earned a civil engineering degree from Cooper Union... more
Wheeler, Everett Pepperrell, 1840-1925
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3307
3.5 linear feet (10 boxes)
Everett Pepperell Wheeler (1840-1925) was an American lawyer and civil service reformer. He was a founder of the New York Bar Association and served for seventeen years as chairman of the executive committee of the New York Civil Service Reform... more
Seymour, Whitney North, 1901-1984
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2730
166 linear feet (181 boxes)
Whitney North Seymour (1901-1983) was a New York City trial lawyer who was active in numerous legal, civic, political, and social organizations. After receiving his law degree from Columbia University in 1923, Seymour joined the law firm of... more
Ashe, Bernard, 1936-
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | Sc MIRS Ashe 2007-09
5 video_recordings
The Bernard F. Ashe moving image collection documents the latter portion of Ashe's career as general counsel to the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), and esteemed member of the American Bar Association and American Arbitration Association,... more
Kennedy, Michael J., 1937-2016
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 29966
57.25 linear feet (139 boxes); 243 megabytes (27 computer files)
Michael Kennedy (1937-2016) was a criminal defense and civil rights lawyer known for defending radical political figures, drug smugglers, members of organized crime, and other people shunned by more mainstream legal counsel. An expert in First and... more