Found 2 collections related to Mobile (Ala.)
Gilmore, James Clifford, 1834-1918
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1160
.02 linear feet (1 volume)
James Clifford Gilmore, a sea captain of Searsport, Maine, kept this logbook of the ships Henry Darling and Caro. He kept the log on board the bark Henry Darling from 1860-1862 on voyages from Boston, New York, and Portland to Valparaiso, Havana,...
Dudley Buck (Steamboat)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 853
.04 linear feet (1 volume)
This logbook was kept on board the steamship Dudley Buck by its engineer, from June 4-October 6, 1865. The ship sailed from and to the ports of New York, Mobile, New Orleans, Brazos de Santiago, Indianola, Corpus Christi, Ft. Barrancas, St. Marks,...