Found 7 collections related to Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (London, England)

Stead, Hiram
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1933-001
<600 portfolios>
The Stead Collection gives a comprehensive depiction of the English theater. $bThe collection consists primarily of playbills, programs, clippings and prints, but also contains manuscript material consisting of letters, photographs, legal and... more
Whitbread, Samuel, 1764-1815
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Samuel Whitbread, English politician. · To "Sir" : 1 autograph letter signed : 31 Mar 1814 : (MISC 3359) : 2 pages (single sheet) : from [?H--------] : relating to Drury Lane Theatre; begins, "It would not become us to surrender a Right of... more
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz BND-MSS (Siddons, S.)
2 volumes
Two quarto scrapbooks put together by an unidentifed compiler, containing a large collection of newspaper clippings, playbills (printed originals and manuscript tracings), and various theatrical notices relating to the career of Sarah Siddons.... more
Porter, Jane, 1776-1850
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
179 items
Jane Porter, English novelist. The Jane Porter manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings, correspondence, and memoranda. The writings include a holograph poem, "To a friend of the Battle of Waterloo"; an unidentified... more
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (London, England)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 844
.3 linear feet (3 folders)
The Theatre Royal in Drury Lane was built in London in 1663 on the site of an early 17th-century cockpit. The theater was later known as the Royal Theatre, Drury Lane, and then the Drury Lane Theatre. Collection contains parchment documents... more
Smith, Lita
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2788
1 linear foot (5 volumes)
The collection consists of a diary of Drury Lane by Lita Smith, dated 1916 and contained in 5 volumes. The diary details the history of the national playhouse in London, England, from its opening in 1809 to 1869. Two appendices, in volumes 4 and... more
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | *MGZP+++ Broadsides
9 linear feet (91 folders)
Over 420 broadsides primarily of dance performances, but also of theater and music presentations at theaters in cities all over the world: Bologna, Boston, Copenhagen, Hanover, London, Milan, Munich, New York City, Panama City, Paris, San... more
Indicates that portions of this collection have been
digitized and are available online.