Found 5 collections related to Opera producers and directors -- United States

Levine, Rhoda
Music Division | JPB 11-4.
26.59 linear feet (72 boxes, 3 audio_files, 4 video_files)
The Rhoda Levine Papers document the career of the opera director, mainly through files on each of the many stage and opera productions on which she worked as dancer, choreographer or director. The papers contain annotated scores and libretti;... more
Auerbach, Cynthia
Music Division | JPB 06-72
7 linear feet (11 boxes)
The Cynthia Auerbach Papers contain director’s notes, programs, and props lists for many of the productions mounted by this prolific opera stage director from 1968 to 1986.
Tomars, Adolph S. (Adolph Siegfried), 1908-1985
Music Division | JPB 03-8
3 linear feet (6 boxes)
The papers consist mostly of clippings and notes on the career of Oscar Hammerstein I, compiled by Adolph S. Tomars.
Witcover, Walt
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2014-178
34.21 linear feet (84 boxes)
Walt Witcover (1924-2013) was a director and acting teacher who worked primarily in New York City. He founded the Masterworks Laboratory Theatre (MLT) company in 1969 after staging a modern revival of La Traviata (Act I)... more
Dawson, Mary Cardwell, 1894-1962
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 104
0.02 linear feet (1 oversize folder, 1 folder)
Opera director, concert singer, teacher, conductor and impresario, Dawson was the founder, president, and general manager of the National Negro Opera Company. Formed in 1941 due to Dawson's concern regarding the lack of opportunity for... more