Gisborne, John, 1773-1836
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle
8 items
John Gisborne, friend of Percy Bysshe and Mary Shelley. · Holograph story, "Evelina" : 12 Nov 1831 : (S'ANA 0544) : in which an encounter with a young man in Italy elicits a tragic love story involving Swedish artist Evelina Stading, a...
John Gisborne, friend of Percy Bysshe and Mary Shelley. · Holograph story, "Evelina" : 12 Nov 1831 : (S'ANA 0544) : in which an encounter with a young man in Italy elicits a tragic love story involving Swedish artist Evelina Stading, a historical figure buried in the Protestant Cemetery in Rome; written in three notebooks.
William and Richard Dry (tailors)
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
4 items
To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of Percy Bysshe Shelley : 1 itemized bill and letter signed "W & R Dry" : 23 Nov 1811 : (HG'ANA 0002) : [no place] : letter begins, "Have herewith sent as a bove which we hope will meet your...
To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of Percy Bysshe Shelley : 1 itemized bill and letter signed "W & R Dry" : 23 Nov 1811 : (HG'ANA 0002) : [no place] : letter begins, "Have herewith sent as a bove which we hope will meet your Approbation." Published in Shelley and his Circle, v. III, p. 60.
Newton, John Frank, 1766-1837
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
2 items
John Frank Newton, English author and proponent of vegetarianism. To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley : 2 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 6 Feb 1817 : (H'GANA 0006) : from Burgate House : relating to...
John Frank Newton, English author and proponent of vegetarianism. To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley : 2 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 6 Feb 1817 : (H'GANA 0006) : from Burgate House : relating to Shelley's case to obtain custody of his children by Harriet; begins, "One never opens a letter which comes from you without much interest ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 25 Apr 1818 : (H'GANA 0015) : from Weymouth : begins, "We are no longer inhabitants of the wildreness.".
Boinville, Harriet Collins
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Harriet Collins Boinville, of Bracknell. Mrs. Boinville was a member of a radical social circle in England in the early 19th century that included the Godwins and the Shelleys. She was greatly admired by Shelley, and he appeared at one point to...
Harriet Collins Boinville, of Bracknell. Mrs. Boinville was a member of a radical social circle in England in the early 19th century that included the Godwins and the Shelleys. She was greatly admired by Shelley, and he appeared at one point to have been in love with her daughter Cornelia. Mrs. Boinville's brother-in-law was John Frank Newton, who wrote the vegetarian tract The Return to Nature (1811). To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, barrister and friend of Shelley : 1 autograph letter signed : 11 Mar 1814 : (HG'ANA 0003) : among other things, discusses Shelley after his recent travels.
Clarke, Robert, solicitor
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Robert Clarke, English solicitor. He was a lawyer at Stockton, and the agent for the estates of the Earl of Bridgewater at Ellesmere in Shropshire. To John Hogg, a non-practicing barrister and country gentleman : 1 autograph letter signed : 6 Apr...
Robert Clarke, English solicitor. He was a lawyer at Stockton, and the agent for the estates of the Earl of Bridgewater at Ellesmere in Shropshire. To John Hogg, a non-practicing barrister and country gentleman : 1 autograph letter signed : 6 Apr 1811 : (HG'ANA 0004) : refering to the expulsion of Hogg's son, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, and Percy Bysshe Shelley, from Oxford. Published in full, with extensive commentary, in Shelley and His Circle, vol. II, p. 736.
Newton, Cornelia, d. 1816
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Cornelia Newton, née Collins, wife of author and proponent of vegetarianism, John Frank Newton. Godwin records her death in his diary on 2 September 1816. · To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley : 1 autograph letter...
Cornelia Newton, née Collins, wife of author and proponent of vegetarianism, John Frank Newton. Godwin records her death in his diary on 2 September 1816. · To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley : 1 autograph letter signed : 21 Oct 1813 : (H'GANA 0007) : from Chester Street : begins, "After allowing your elegant friendly letter to remain so long unanswered you will perhaps suspect that I am incapable of making a due estimate of its mertit, but the truth is I am a reluctant writer unless stimulated to the use of my pen by painful emotions.".
Peacock, Thomas Love, 1785-1866
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
212 items
The Thomas Love Peacock manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings and correspondence. Among the writings are included: holograph working and fair copies of his collection of poetry titled, "Paper Money Lyrics"; a...
The Thomas Love Peacock manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings and correspondence. Among the writings are included: holograph working and fair copies of his collection of poetry titled, "Paper Money Lyrics"; a holograph epitaph for his daughter, Mary Ellen Meredith; and a collection of holograph recipes. The bulk of the correspondence is dated between 1818 and 1847. Correspondents include: John Cam Hobhouse, Baron Broughton, politician; Thomas Jefferson Hogg, barrister and friend of Shelley; Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, writer; and over a dozen others.
Shelley, Timothy, Sir, 1753-1844
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
28 items
The Timothy Shelley manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of legal documents and correspondence. The legal documents include a holograph draft lease of Castle Goring and autograph signatures on indenture agreements. The bulk...
The Timothy Shelley manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of legal documents and correspondence. The legal documents include a holograph draft lease of Castle Goring and autograph signatures on indenture agreements. The bulk of the correspondence is dated between 1811 and 1823. Correspondents include: Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend of P. B. Shelley; Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet (his son); William Whitton, his lawyer; and a few others.
Shelley, Harriet, 1795-1816
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
4 items
Harriet Westbrook Shelley, first wife of the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. · ?Holograph and manuscript copy poems in The Esdaile Notebook : [ca. 1814-1815] : (PBS 0237) : 9 pages (leaf 92 verso-leaf 97 recto within bound notebook) : [no...
Harriet Westbrook Shelley, first wife of the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. · ?Holograph and manuscript copy poems in The Esdaile Notebook : [ca. 1814-1815] : (PBS 0237) : 9 pages (leaf 92 verso-leaf 97 recto within bound notebook) : [no place] : including five poems, of which "To Harriett" ("Thy look of Love"), "To Harriet" ("Oh Harriet love like mine"), and "To St Irvyne" are copies of poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley; "Full many a mind" and "Late was the night" may be by Harriet herself. The Esadaile Notebook is published in full with commentary as SC 372 in Shelley and his Circle volume IV. Shelved as *Pforz 559R 05.
Hogg, Thomas Jefferson, 1792-1862
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
123 items
The Thomas Jefferson Hogg manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings, correspondence and documents. The writings include some original verses; his school exercise book from Oxford, which contains a holograph poem "Oh...
The Thomas Jefferson Hogg manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings, correspondence and documents. The writings include some original verses; his school exercise book from Oxford, which contains a holograph poem "Oh wretched mortal" by Percy Bysshe Shelley (PBS 0215); and a heavily annotated copy of his published travel book Two Hundred and Nine Days. Correspondents include his friend B. Hoskyns Abrahall, a commissioner of the Court of Bankruptcy; Leight Hunt, the poet, journalist, and critic; Thomas Love Peacock, the satirical novelist and poet; Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the novelist; Percy Bysse Shelley, the poet; and a few others. Documents include an 1816 passport, and a legacy discharge document for his bequest under Percy Bysshe Shelley's will.
Landor, Walter Savage, 1775-1864
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
208 items
Walter Savage Landor, English poet and author. The Walter Savage Landor manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings, correspondence, and documents. The writings include: holograph dialogs from his Imaginary...
Walter Savage Landor, English poet and author. The Walter Savage Landor manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings, correspondence, and documents. The writings include: holograph dialogs from his Imaginary Conversations; holograph poems and epigrams compiled for his Last Fruit off an Old Tree; and holograph poems in Latin and Italian. The bulk of the correspondence dates from between 1833 and 1843. Correspondents include: William Allingham, Irish poet; Lady Blessington, Irish-born writer and literary hostess; and Simón Bolívar, Venezuelan military and political leader. The documents consist of account sheets of Landor's dealings with his bankers, J. and P. Jones of Abergavenny.
Lawless, John, ca. 1773-1837
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 item
John Lawless, Irish nationalist and journal editor. · To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, barrister and friend of Shelley : 1 autograph letter signed : 3 May 1813 : (H'GANA 0008) : from 35 Great Cuffe St., Dublin : inquiring for news of the Shelleys;...
John Lawless, Irish nationalist and journal editor. · To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, barrister and friend of Shelley : 1 autograph letter signed : 3 May 1813 : (H'GANA 0008) : from 35 Great Cuffe St., Dublin : inquiring for news of the Shelleys; begins, "I take the liberty of trusting you with these few lines expressed by you [?] our good friends the Shelleys ..."; on the adjoining leaf of the lettersheet is a letter (HOGG 0105) from Hogg to Harriet Shelley, forwarding Lawless's letter ("Lawless has had the impudence to send me the paper on whch I write."). On the verso of the Lawless letter is a note (S'ANA 0064) from Harriet Shelley in reply to Hogg ("Bysshe is better now ..."). Filed under Hogg.
Hogg, John, 1800-1869
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
5 items
John Hogg, English classical scholar and naturalist. · Holograph notes on a tour through Switzerland and Italy : (H'GANA 0017) : Jul-Sep 1824 : 8 pages (2 double sheets sewn into fascicle) : very brief summaries of daily activity beginning...
John Hogg, English classical scholar and naturalist. · Holograph notes on a tour through Switzerland and Italy : (H'GANA 0017) : Jul-Sep 1824 : 8 pages (2 double sheets sewn into fascicle) : very brief summaries of daily activity beginning "At Geneva" on July 2 and ending in Milan on September 2 when he "Set off for Turin." Followed by five lines summarizing subsequent travels through France.
Hogg, Louisa, 1856-1943
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
Louisa Julia Mary Anne Jefferson Hogg, daughter of John Hogg, the English classical scholar and naturalist. Her uncle was Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley. · To Richard John Jefferson Hogg, her nephew : 1...
Louisa Julia Mary Anne Jefferson Hogg, daughter of John Hogg, the English classical scholar and naturalist. Her uncle was Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley. · To Richard John Jefferson Hogg, her nephew : 1 autograph letter signed : 17 Feb [circa 1910?] : (H'GANA 0018) : 4 pages (double sheet) : from 8 Park Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells (blind embossed stationery) : begins, "Your mother has asked me to tell you any particulars respecting T. J. H[ogg] I could . . . .".
Hogg, Prudentia, 1766 or 1767-1839
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Prudentia Hogg, née Jones, mother of Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley; and John Hogg, the classical scholar and naturalist. · To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, her son : 1 autograph letter signed : 5 Sep 1811 :...
Prudentia Hogg, née Jones, mother of Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley; and John Hogg, the classical scholar and naturalist. · To Thomas Jefferson Hogg, her son : 1 autograph letter signed : 5 Sep 1811 : (H'GANA 0016) : 3 ¹/₂ pages (double sheet) : from Norton : begins, "Your Aunt Sally and Mr. E. Plumptre intend being at York, some day in the next week and wish you to meet them at the Inn and shew your Aunt Sally the Lions . . . ." Published in full with commentary as SC 193 in Shelley and his Circle, volume III, page 1.
Lonsdale, Prudentia, 1836-1897
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
Prudentia Lonsdale, née Hogg, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Hogg and Jane Williams, friends of the poet Shelley. · To Rosalind Hunt, her half-sister : 1 autograph letter signed "Lally" : 1 Jan [circa 1860] : (H'ANA 0027) : 2 pages (single...
Prudentia Lonsdale, née Hogg, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Hogg and Jane Williams, friends of the poet Shelley. · To Rosalind Hunt, her half-sister : 1 autograph letter signed "Lally" : 1 Jan [circa 1860] : (H'ANA 0027) : 2 pages (single sheet) : [no place] : begins, "On this, the first day of the year, I cannot refrain from writing a few lines my dearest sister . . ."; includes, "Dah [i.e., T. J. Hogg] proposed and drank your health on Christmas eve . . . .".
Hogg, Thomas Jefferson, 1792-1862
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | *Pforz 559R 15
1 volume (76 total leaves, some blank)
Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley. Copybook used by Thomas Jefferson Hogg for drafts of his academic assignments and as a commonplace book while he was a student at University College, Oxford, in 1810, probably...
Thomas Jefferson Hogg, friend and biographer of the poet Shelley. Copybook used by Thomas Jefferson Hogg for drafts of his academic assignments and as a commonplace book while he was a student at University College, Oxford, in 1810, probably during the Michaelmas term. A holograph poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Oh wretched mortal" (PBS 0215), is on leaf 5, recto. Bound in original half red roan with marbled boards.
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
426 items
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the English novelist. Best known as the author of Frankenstein, she also wrote short-stories, poetry, biographies, journal articles, reviews, and edited the works of her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley. This guide lists...
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the English novelist. Best known as the author of Frankenstein, she also wrote short-stories, poetry, biographies, journal articles, reviews, and edited the works of her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley. This guide lists and describes the manuscript materials held by the Pforzheimer Collection that were created by Mary Shelley, including original holograph writings and letters, amanuensis work in her hand, and her transcripts of work by others.
Godwin, William, 1756-1836
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
392 items
The William Godwin manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings, correspondence, promissory notes, and various other documents. The writings include: complete holograph manuscript drafts of his works Fleetwood,...
The William Godwin manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings, correspondence, promissory notes, and various other documents. The writings include: complete holograph manuscript drafts of his works Fleetwood, Cloudesley, and Lives of the Necromancers; manuscript drafts of essays from his Enquirer; and proof revisions written in volumes of his Political Justice and St. Leon. The bulk of the correspondence is dated 1795-1834 and mostly discusses Godwin's research, business matters and financial arrangements. Correspondents include: Mary Shelley, novelist (his daughter); Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet (his son-in-law); Aaron Burr, vice president of the United States; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet; and over one hundred others. The promissory notes date from between 1804-1818, and are mostly to neighborhood merchants. Other documents include library call slips, memos of agreement for business deals, and Godwin's last will and testament.
Hunt, Leigh, 1784-1859
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
347 items
The Leigh Hunt manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings and correspondence. The writings include: a holograph draft of his poem, "Jenny Kiss'd Me"; a holograph fragment of his preface to Shelley's more
The Leigh Hunt manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings and correspondence. The writings include: a holograph draft of his poem, "Jenny Kiss'd Me"; a holograph fragment of his preface to Shelley's
Mask of Anarchy; and his address book circa the mid-1850s. The bulk of the correspondence is dated between 1817 and 1826 and discusses his experiences in Italy, including the death of Shelley; family matters; and publishing business. Correspondents include: the Irish poet William Allingham; the philosopher and reformer Jeremy Bentham; the writer and painter William Hazlitt; the writers Percy Bysshe and Mary Shelley; and over seventy others.