Found 2 collections related to Normanby, Constantine Henry Phipps, Marquess of, 1797-1863
Normanby, Constantine Henry Phipps, Marquess of, 1797-1863
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
5 items
To Lady Blessington, writer and literary hostess : 3 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 27 Mar 1848 : (BLES 5.411a) : from Paris : begins, "I forwarded without delay your packet to your correspondent ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 17...
Crawford, W. H.
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
2 items
Poem signed, "To His Excellency Henry Constantine, Earl of Mulgrave, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland" : Dec 1836 : (BLES 2.097) : from Dublin : 2 p.; in a copyist's hand, initialed and dated by Crawford; begins, "Tiberius once (for so his Mother bade)...