The Committee on Research Libraries was originally named the Library Committee when it was created by the N.Y.P.L. Board of Trustees shortly after the incorporation of the Library. The Library Committee stood to oversee the selection, arrangement...
The Committee on Research Libraries was originally named the Library Committee when it was created by the N.Y.P.L. Board of Trustees shortly after the incorporation of the Library. The Library Committee stood to oversee the selection, arrangement and cataloging of noncirculating research materials at the Central Building. In 1953 the Committee was renamed the Reference Department Committee. In 1967 it received its current name. Today the Committee on Research Libraries makes recommendations to the Board on the collections and services of all the N.Y.P.L. Research units. The Committee consists of no fewer than five persons, a majority of whom must be trustees. It can establish ad hoc subcommittees and in 1977 formed the Subcommittee on Responsibilities Procedures. Records consist of minutes, correspondence, reports, memoranda and other materials that document the activities of the Committee on Research Libraries. Minutes, arranged chronologically, are records of meetings of the Committee on Research Libraries. Correspondence includes outgoing and incoming letters sorted roughly by date and subject. Memoranda are arranged chronologically. The CORL COBL Joint Meeting Minutes are minutes of the joint meetings of the Committee on Research Libraries and the Committee on Branch Libraries, arranged chronologically. Loan Lists are lists of research materials approved or not approved by the Committee for loan to extra-library exhibitions. The records of the Subcommittee on Responsibilities and Procedures constitute the series Memoranda (1977).