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Found 8 collections related to Membership lists
Brainard, Ingrid
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 144
29 linear feet (86 boxes)
The Dr. Ingrid Brainard Papers contain documents from the 1890s to 2000, and cover the academic and professional career of the distinguished dance historian and author. It contains letters, writings, research and conference materials, and teaching...
Sixteenth Ward Union Association
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2765
.08 linear feet (1 volume)
This volume contains the membership list of the New York City 16th Ward Union Association. Also present is a copy of the association's constitution and by-laws. The group was active during the Civil War
Columbian American Chamber of Commerce of New York City
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3495
.42 linear feet (2 volumes)
Contains the records (1927-1932) of the Columbian American Chamber of Commerce of New York City, including accounts, a bank, book, and a list of members
Columbian Peithologian Society
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 600
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
This volume contains the Columbia College Peithologian Society's constitution, bylaws, and roll of members spanning 1806 to 1840. The society was founded in 1806 as a literary group for freshmen students. It later opened its doors to all students...
Bohemians (New York Musicians' Club)
Music Division | JPB 11-15
8.69 linear feet (14 boxes)
The Bohemians (New York Musicians' Club) is an organization made up of distinguished New York City musicians and music lovers that organizes dinners and chamber concerts for its members, supports young artists, and honors notable musicians. The...
LeFrak, Samuel J.
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1993-027
.21 linear feet (1 box)
Samuel LeFrak (1918-2003) was an American real estate developer who was a member of the Lotos Club and the Friars Club. The Samuel LeFrak collection of publications contains the Lotos Club newsletter, Lotos Leaf; Lotos...
Lavender Light (Musical group)
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 799
0.42 linear feet (1 box)
Founded in 1985, Lavender Light is a mixed chorus (women and men), consisting of members who have auditioned and run as a nonprofit organization. Although the group encompasses many ethnic and spiritual backgrounds, the choir provides a special...
Henry B. Carr Boat Club (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 24501
.01 linear feet (1 folder)
The Henry B. Carr Boat Club, also known as the Shackamaxon Boat Club, was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Records, 1865-1866, comprise the Club's manuscript rules, minutes, and an annual report. A list of members of the Shackamaxon Boat...