Found 2 collections related to Aldridge, Ira Frederick, -1867

Filtering on: x1951 - 2000
Stock, Mildred
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | Sc MIRS Stock 1980-25
1 audio_recording
Writer and historian Mildred Stock co-authored Ira Aldridge: The Negro Tragedian (1958) about the Shakespearean actor. The collection consists of one radio interview about the book with Stock and Frederick O'Neal, the... more
Johnson, Helen A.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 599
16.79 linear feet (46 boxes)
The Helen Armstead-Johnson miscellaneous theater collections (HAJMTC) were formed by over two hundred file-folder level collections (one-three file folders per personality or event). The collections contain information dating from the... more