Found 3 collections related to Theaters -- England -- London
Frohman, Charles, 1860-1915
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1088
Collection contains correspondence of theatrical manager and producer Charles Frohman and his assistant, Alfred Hayman, with each other and with other people in the theatre. Letters concern dramatic productions in the United States and England....
Smith, Lita
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2788
1 linear foot (5 volumes)
The collection consists of a diary of Drury Lane by Lita Smith, dated 1916 and contained in 5 volumes. The diary details the history of the national playhouse in London, England, from its opening in 1809 to 1869. Two appendices, in volumes 4 and...
Smith, Lita
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2793
.21 linear feet (1 box)
One volume, containing Lita Smith's Three Lyceums: a History of the Three Lyceum Theatres in London; extracts of William Davenport Adams's A Book of Burlesque; lists of original casts of Watts and Phillips's drama; and miscellaneous theatrical notes