Scope and arrangement
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence, and portrait photographs. The manuscripts and typescripts consist of radio scripts, poems, television broadcasts, and reviews by the author, as well as a poem and biographical material relating to the author by Edmund Charles Blunden, Leonard Clark, and Katharine Garvin. The correspondence consists of letters from the author, dating from 1922 to [1970], to Leonard Clark, Robert Andrew Clark, Geoffrey Grigson, Christopher Hassall, Sir Edward Howard Marsh, and Samuel Menashe, as well as letters relating to the author, dating from 1946 to 1969, between various correspondents including Leonard Clark, Bonamy Dobree, Edwin Muir, Leslie Norris, William Plomer, Stephen Spender, and others. There are letters to Young from John Arlott, Rupert Hart-Davis, John Bagguley, and Cecil Woolf, dating from 1959 to 1970.
The Andrew Young collection of papers are arranged in three series: