Scope and arrangement
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, notebooks from 1939 to 1951, legal documents and certificates, portraits, and pictorial works. The manuscripts and typescripts include articles, notes, children's stories, lectures, poems, essays, interviews, lists, reviews, criticism, translations and drafts of translations. The correspondence includes letters dating from [1926] to 1967, from the author to Kenneth Burke, his mother Anna Jarrell, his first wife Mackie Jarrell, Alfred Kazin, Sister Bernetta Quinn, and Louis Untermeyer. Also present are letters relating to the author, dating from 1947 to 1969, between various correspondents including John Berryman, Philip Booth, Robert Fitzgerald, Robert Lowell, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, Mary von Schrader Jarrell, Robert Penn Warren, and others. There are letters to Jarrell from John Berryman, Elizabeth Bishop, Gregory Corso, Michael Di Capua, Robert Lowell, Heather Ross Miller, Sister Bernetta Quinn, Adrienne Rich, Maurice Sendak, Eleanor Ross Taylor, Peter Hillsman Taylor, Louis Untermeyer, and others, some addressed also to Mary von Schrader Jarrell, dating from 1936 to 1969.
The Randall Jarrell collection of papers are arranged in five series: