Scope and arrangement
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence to, from, and about the author, journals, notebooks, financial and legal documents, portraits and pictorial works. The manuscripts consist of holographs of articles, plays, criticism, essays, prose fragments and other writings, some of which were published in "The Savour of Life" (1928) and "Things that have Interested Me" (2nd and 3rd series, 1923 and 1926). The financial documents comprise cash-books from 1894 to 1922 and other items. The legal documents include agreements between the author and various publishers and theatrical agencies. Also included are journals from 1896 to 1930, including 77 volumes entitled, "Some Incidents" from 1926 through 1930. The portaits include original pencil drawings by Edwin Alfred Rickards. The correspondence, dating from 1893 to 1931, includes letters written by the author to G. T. Bagguley, George Cedric Beardmore, Dorothy Cheston Bennett, some of which were published in her "Arnold Bennett"; to Ford Madox Ford, Edyth Goodall, Mrs. Paul M. Herzog, Violet Hunt, John Middleton Murry, the literary agency James B. Pinker and Son, Sir John Collings Squire, George Sturt, Richmond Temple, Gwladys Wheeler, and others. Also included is correspondence relating to the author, dating from 1902 to 1955, between various correspondents including Dorothy Cheston Bennett, Marguerite Bennett, Darrell Figgis, the literary agency James B. Pinker and Son, and others. Incoming correspondence includes letters from E. M. Forster, Archibald Marshall, Sir Gerald Du Maurier, George Moore, David Low, Siegfried Sassoon, and others.
The Arnold Bennett collection of papers are arranged in four series: